Thursday, October 29, 2009

DSi LL Officially Unveiled

A Japanese website has been launched showing the new DSi LL.  Here are some of the specs of the new system.

Nintendo DSi LL
4.2 inch mon x 2
Nov 21, 2009
20000 yen

DSi LL:横161.0mm/縦91.4mm/厚さ21.2mm
Default stylus is 4 mm longer than the DSi stylus
The long "touch pen" is just about 40 mm longer than the DSistylus
Weighs approximately 50% more than the DSi/Lite
1 - 3 hrs more battery life than DSi, depending on screen brightness
3 hour charge (same as DS Lite, 30 mins longer than DSi)

Comes pre-installed with...

* A Bit of Brain Training: Arts
* A Bit of Brain Training: Science
* Kiyou Akira Rakuhiku Language Easier

You can view the official Japanese site of the DSi LL here.  It appears that right now the system comes in three colors; rose, white and black and also includes a bigger stylus pen in addition to the regular stylus.  The question now is, if the system comes to America will any of you pick it up or are you getting a bit tired of the large number of DSi models available?

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