Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sometimes It Just Pays to Stay In Bed

Well, everyone.  I'm sorry for the sporadic posting today. It's been a crazy day.  It started with me having to go out and rescue my mother-in-law who was stranded and spending an hour and a half waiting for a tow truck.  Then shortly after lunch we decided to take the kids to the park and while we were there someone broke into my sister-in-law's car and steal her purse.

Back at home now and this afternoon and evening I should be able to get some updates to the site.  I'm sorry, again, for the lack of posting today.  I hope you understand.

Don't forget time's almost up to enter the Max and the Magic Marker T-Shirt Contest.


Malouff said...

Sorry for your Crazy Day.
At least you were a 3rd party for everything.

Your sister-in-law sounds like the one who is having the worst day of you three.

I am curious if she left her purse in plain sight in the car. I have learned a person needs hide everything when parking from prying eyes.

Tony Miller said...

I was. I think she had left her purse under the seat, but she thinks maybe someone had seen her putting it down there.

Funnily enough there was a brand new DS Lite under the seat as well that wasn't taken.


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