I'm one of those people know as a crazy Christian, conservative, Republican. The only difference is I don't believe in censorship. We often see the debate about violent video games raging in the media. Are they harmful to kids? Are they not harmful to kids? The answer, I think, is both. Video games, like any form of entertainment can be both harmful and beneficial.
Video games are given ratings by the ESRB. These are not mandatory, but for the most part if you don't get rated you don't get licensed to be sold for a console. They range from Early Childhood, EC, up to Adults Only, AO. Violent video games are generally rated M or Mature. These games are, by law, only to be sold to people over 17. If a parent buys those games for their child, that's their right, and they should be held responsible for the consequences.
Should video games be censored based on content? No. This is America you have the ability and the right to create whatever you want. People will then judge if they feel the material is objectionable and whether they want it around their families or not. By that same token, platform holders have the right to determine what they want on their platforms? If a platform holder doesn't want games that are rated AO on their system, then change the material a bit or find somewhere else to release your ideas. There are a large number of ways to get your ideas to the masses and if you don't want it edited then find one of those avenues for release.
We don't need more legislation telling us who can and can't sell games to whom. We already have laws in place for that. They simply need to be enforced. But the main line of defense, and the ones who should be at the forefront of this are the parents of the children who play the games. Make sure you know what your kids play. Do some research on the games they want to play before you buy it or give your kids money to buy it. If you find the material not appropriate for your children then don't let them have it. Parents are ultimately the ones responsible for the way their children are raised, or at least they should be.
In a perfect world we wouldn't need legislation at all for this topic because the market would dictate. Children would not be subjected to material the parents find objectionable because the parents would know what is going on. I can't tell someone else how to raise their child, but I can do what I have to to keep my kids from being subjected to violence or sex or profanity. I make sure to watch the shows they watch or play the games they play, either before they do or with them. I monitor what they do on the internet and make sure they don't talk to shady individuals or go to sites I find inappropriate.
Most people will not be affected by violent video games because they will be raised in a way that limits their contact with it. They will be taught the difference between what's right and what's wrong. Do your part to help solve this problem. Don't rely on government groups or political activists. Get involved with your children and make sure you are aware of what's going on in their lives.