Friday, October 16, 2009

New Epic Mickey Details

Hey guys. Game Informer this month that TONS of new details about Epic Mickey from Junction Point Games and Warren Spector.  Here are just a few plus the shot of Mickey's new look, which is VERY retro.

The sorcerer Yensid (Disney spelled backwards; nickname from “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” in Fantasia) creates a world for all of his forgotten creations, with Oswald being its first inhabitant. This world is very similar to a Disney theme park and sits on a table in the sorcerer’s study as an intricate model. Mickey Mouse steps through a magic mirror in his house and ends up in Yensid’s study. Mickey, the troublemaker that he is, becomes fascinated by this set and when Yensid leaves, he plays around with it and accidentally spills paint and paint thinner all over it. Mickey hears the sorcerer returning and rushes to clean up and return home, and he soon forgets what happens and lives his life of fame and glory.

Mickey’s accident causes a terrible consequence and turns Yensid’s world into a wasteland controlled by a monstrous being named the Phantom Blot. Oswald and the other cartoons try to fight off the Phantom Blot, but it overwhelms them and turns their land in a twisted mockery of Yensid’s original dream. Mickey Mouse remains oblivious to all of this until one day the mirror he stepped through before comes alive again and the Phantom Blot pulls him into this twisted world. Now, Mickey Mouse must escape the Phantom Blot, find Oswald, earn his trust, and manage to defeat the corrupted menace so he can escape the Wasteland.

So how do you play the game? Mickey Mouse has a paintbrush that he brings into the Wasteland. The world can be created or destroyed with the swipe of a brush using the Wii Remote. Buildings, platforms, and items can be painted in and walls and enemies can be swept away with paint thinner with the Wii Remote. You can play the game as you like, either restoring things or destroying everything. You can be The Hero or The Scrapper, and the Game Informer issue goes into detail on what would happen if you pick a certain side. Mickey’s appearance will even change a bit depending on which side you choose.

There are some other interesting tidbits as well. Donald Duck animatronic pieces are scattered throughout part of the game and if collected, he will be put back together. Gremlin Village is similar to “It’s a Small World”, where you can even hear an eerie version of the music. You enter movie screen transitions to move from level to level where you are put in a 2D world and you revisit some of Mickey’s old cartoons. Collect “E-Tickets” to enter rides and use them to buy power-ups. Some of the characters in Epic Mickey include The Gremlins (led by one named Gus, they work to help Mickey against the Phantom Blot), The Bunny Kids (children of Oswald and his girl, Ortensia), The Buddies (animatronic versions of Mickey’s friends), The Mad Doctor (created The Buddies for Oswald, since Oswald wants to recreate Mickey’s life), Blotlings (the spawn of the Phantom Blot), and Beetleworx (creations of the Mad Doctor that build and fix this world). Oh, and here’s a cool little story. Disney’s CEO Bob Iger went to NBC/Universal (who owned the rights to Oswald for 80 years) and traded Al Michaels (human sportscaster) for the rights to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.

I don't know about you, but I think this game sounds amazing.  I'm really excited for this title and these new details make me that much more interested in what's going on with this.  The fact that it's Wii exclusive just adds a bit of sweetness to it.  You can check out the latest Game Informer for an in depth look as well as a ton more art.

Source: WiiNintendo

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