Thursday, October 29, 2009

We're Moving

I just wanted to let everyone know that we'll be moving the site tonight.  If everything goes according to plan tomorrow when you visit you should see a new look to the site.  It should have basically the same layout with a few changes that give different parts of the site a little more room to breathe and a cleaner look.  All in all the people that have seen the new design really liked it and I think everyone else will too.

In case you're wondering.  We're moving from Blogger to Wordpress for site maitainence.  I like the backend stuff that Word Press allows us to do that Blogger doesn't and the overall cleaner look that Word Press provides.  All the same great content you have come to know will be there and the address should stay the same.

If you log on and the site is down that's why.  Don't freak out, we're not gone.  If you have any questions you can get a hold of me at  I hope you guys like the new look of the site.

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