Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Castlevania: the Adventure Rebirth Rumours Are True

The rumor floating around the last few days about Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth coming to WiiWare have turned out to be true. Today, Nintendo released their fall lineup and included in that was the WiiWare release of the game.

The details of the game based on the ESRB website are:

Platform: Wii
Rating: Teen
Content descriptors: Animated Blood, Fantasy Violence
Rating summary: This is a side-scrolling action game in which players battle against monsters in Dracula’s castle. Players use a chained whip to fight their way through halls and dungeons filled with zombies, skeletons, flying eyeballs, and bats. The enemy creatures frequently shoot projectiles and attack players in hand-to-hand combat. If players sustain too much damage, they keel over and emit a burst of red blood. Some rooms in the castle also have spikes or spears stained with red, blood-like splotches.

I was hesistant to post the information before now due to it being simply a rumor and I would like to avoid confusion based around rumors. When the information becomes confirmed then I'll post the information that is available. This press release by Nintendo today confirmed the title and now you're getting the information available to us.

Stay tuned to Nintendo Okie for more details in the future as the game gets closer to release.

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