Friday, September 18, 2009

More Price Drop Rumours Add Fuel to the Fire

This is getting a bit ridiculous and it's getting to the point where it can't be ignored. Those three ads are for Target, Best Buy, and Toys 'r Us. Best Buy is the newest and showed up today. Those images along with the word about a Walmart circular showing a new price for the Wii can't be coincidence. If it had been just one of those companies I could see this being a limited store based price drop, but four different companies all in the same time period showing the same discount? These all go in effect September 27, or the first week of October.

Rumors show up in my mail box every day and I don't post about them. If this had been a single store I wouldn't mention it, much like I have until now. But the evidence for a Wii price drop is piling up. Nintendo still won't comment other than to say they don't comment on rumor or speculation so we'll have to wait until TGS when the announcement could be made official.

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