Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Play On Beta Allows Streaming Video on Wii

If you're the type of person who likes to watch streaming video on your TV, but you only have a Wii, well this might be an option for you. The beta for Play On's streaming video is now available for Wii. You can get it here.
It will install a program on your computer that will allow you to watch Netflix, Hulu, CBS, Youtube and more on your television. You can find all the details on the website. I'm on my way to try it now. I'll update this story when I find out how it works.


After playing around with the service for a few minutes it would be hard not to recommend this to people looking for a way to stream video onto their TV through their Wii. The program is a very quick install, about 20MB, and is easy to setup. You can set up your Netflix accounts, Hulu accounts, and other things very quickly. Any of the content in your ques on those services show up with screen captures in a few user friendly menu on the Play On service on Wii.

To get to your videos on your console you have to have the Internet Channel installed and go to . The system will look for any computer you have in your house that has Play On installed and it even recognized my computer even when it was turned off. All the video services you have linked to your account show up on the left hand side of the TV. You simply have to click on one and it will pull your que up. All of the videos are in standard definition so you HD snobs out there will have to look elsewhere for that video quality.

The streaming quality was very good. I never had any issues with the picture skipping or the video having to buffer. It was just like watching it on my television. The one drawback is that you'll have to manage those services individually on your computer before loading it up on your Wii. Early impressions are the service will be well worth the $40 asking price especially because you can have a large number of services available all in one place. This is shaping up to be a very good service for Wii owners.

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