Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two Games That Should Come to WiiWare

It should come as no surprise that I, much like most other people in America, have played these two games. I'm, of course, talking about Peggle and Plants Vs. Zombies. I've played these game numerous times, and Peggle on multiple platforms. With the announcement yesterday that another version of Peggle is coming to XBLA I couldn't help but wonder why these two games don't come to WiiWare. This new version of Peggle even has a new character not seen in any previous game yet. The control scheme is perfect for both of these games and the Wii has so many different control schemes possible that you could find one for any play style you like. You can use the pointer to point at nearly anywhere on the Peggle board you like, or even use the nunchuk or classic controller to get the pinpoint precision that the analog sticks allow. You could even combine the two where you point to where you want with the Wii Remote and the use the analog stick to further pinpoint the precise location. You can't say the control scheme would not work because it would be possible to make it work.

The point and click nature of Plants vs. Zombies is absolutely perfect for the Wii Remote. You don't have to be precise with your pointing. The fun atmosphere of both these games lend themselves to the family attitude Wii has generated for itself. I can't count the number of times we've hooked our laptop up to the TV so that people could just watch someone playing this game and we didn't have to crowd around the small monitor of the laptop. It has become the perfect family time game and with the ability to add some multiplayer that you kind of lack on a computer it's the perfect reason to port this game over to the Wii. You wouldn't have to add any kind of online play, but some form of leaderboards would be nice to see. You could have one person concentrating on setting up your defenses and actively working against the zombies while another person collects the sun and everything that drops during the levels.

I know the options for online gaming for the Wii are slowly showing that you can get a similar, but still less featured, online experience to Xbox Live Arcade. Games are now coming out and integrating your system friends list rather than having to have a seperate friend code for every game. The new Guitar Hero 5 has the ability to stream downloaded content straight off of the SD card and the Wii now has the capability to run 32GB cards. Size limitations shouldn't be an issue anymore. If the reason these games haven't come to Wii yet are the size limit on WiiWare then that is a black spot on the service, not the developers. There is no reason Nintendo couldn't lift that limit to allow developers to create the fully fledged games the other services allow.

These games, aside from being the most addictive games to come out in years, are brilliantly designed games that show you don't have to have overly complex plots or control schemes to create a fun game. They bring families together in a way that I don't even think Pop Cap expected. These games need to be on WiiWare. I want to see these games come to WiiWare. The system seems to fit. I've contacted Pop Cap and expressed my opinion. I suggest everyone out there do the same.

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