Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Capcom Celebrates Mega Man 9's First Birthday

One year ago today, as you could see in our recent This Week in Nintendo History article, Mega Man 9 was released. Capcom has decided they're going to celebrate the event by giving stuff away.

The Grand Prize as you can see above is one of the way awesome Press Kits they were sending out when the game launched. 15 Runners-Up will win a code to download the game on the platform of their choice (Wii, Xbox 360, PS3). All you have to do to enter the contest is head over to the Capcom Unity Contest Page and enter. They want you to submit something to show how passionate you are about Mega Man: baked goods, home-made models, music, videos, art, costumes, etc. They want it to be something new and unique or something that improves on things they've already seen. Your goal should be to warm their cold, jaded hearts on the panel because at Unity, they've seen tons of fan made Mega Man stuff. If you're not sure if something has been done or not, do a quick search on their site.

Good Luck and if any of you enter, send us the pic as well and we'll post it here on the site.

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