Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Netflix CEO Says He Wants to Be On All Consoles

When it comes to Netflix and home consoles, right now Microsoft has them all locked up. But Netflix' CEO, Reed Hastings, says that eventually he wants to be on all the consoles. During an interview with Reuter's he had the following to say:
Eventually we want to be on all the game consoles, all the Blu-ray players, all the Internet TVs. So we are working in parallel with all of those efforts. Currently our Xbox deal is exclusive and we haven’t characterized it more than that.

You can currently access your Netflix accounts on Wii by going through the Play On service, which is itself a very nice way to get streaming video on your Wii. We reported on it a few weeks ago and gave our impressions of the service, though it would be handy to be able to select a Netflix channel on the Wii's Menu.

He went on to say:

There will be people doing DVD-by-mail in 15 or 20 years, so I think DVD will last a long time. Our best guess is that DVD will peak for us in 5 or so years. But it is continuing to grow. And the streaming is exploding. So we are getting nice growth in the DVD side and huge growth on the streaming side.

Even they know eventually everyone will be streaming all of their media content, even if that is still a few years away. I keep saying I want to get rid of all my physical media. I like the convenience of being able to open up a menu, see the boxes of all my movies and just pick one. I like to collect things, but movies and games take up a lot of space if you are into collecting.

What about you guys? Do you want to see Netflix coming to Wii. I use Play On to watch content from Hulu and Netflix already on my Wii so I can wait a bit longer. We've got a good temporary solution right now. Do you look forward to the day when you'll be able to turn on your system of choice and watch movies or play games from the same place? Or do you like your game machine to be a game machine?

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