Thursday, September 24, 2009

Want A Chance to Win Spaceball Revolution?

Virtual Toys sent along a copy of Spaceball Revolution today and I will be getting the review for the game up on Monday. That's not the important part of this, though. In addition they sent along an additional copy of the game that I will be giving away to one lucky person on the site.

All you have to do is comment on this post, or watch for the review on Monday and make a comment there. Everyone who has commented will be entered for a chance to be given the game. If you comment on both posts you will receive a chance for both comments.

On Friday, October 2nd I will announce the winner. You have until 12:00 CST on that day to enter the contest. The winner will be contacted and once we have exchanged Friend Codes I will gift the game to you. It's that simple. Just read the site and post a comment.

Note: This contest is open to North American Wii owners due to not being able to gift to other regions.

UPDATE!!!: The contest is now closed.  We'll be announcing the winner at 1:00 pm CST.  That's in just under an hour now.  Good luck to everyone! 


M. H. Mason said...

I'm glad I didn't download it yet! It looked pretty interesting, and I haven't played any WiiWare lately, so I was contemplating it. Hopefully I win!

Unknown said...

Very cool. I'll post this on my site, too.

Kyle said...

Looks like a cool game. Really loving all the great WiiWare games. Hope I win so I can try another!

Malouff said...

Thank both you and Virtual Toys for doing this contest.

I know that site does not have that much of a following (people posting replies) now but next time I suggest that you have all entries in one place.

Regarding the game I will admit that it does look interesting.

Great review Tony.

Aaron said...

Great contest.
I wonder how many over look it when visiting Ninteno Okie?

Tony Miller said...

This won't normally happen where you can post twice on the site for a contest, this being the first one and based around the review I figured I'd give people who saw the original message and the review the chance to get two entries into the contest.

I've got it posted in the Top Stories section and it's been there since the beginning. I think whoever wins the game with really enjoy it.


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