Monday, September 21, 2009

Professor Layton is Real My Friends

And he's visiting a town near you, maybe. Nintendo is sending out a real life Professor Layton all across the country to promote the latest game, Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. You'll also have a chance to win that game if you can correctly solve one of his riddles.

Here are the first four cities he'll be visiting:

Wednesday Sept, 23rd: Minneapolis, MN
Friday September, 25th: Miami, FL
Tuesday September, 29th: Boston, MA
Wednesday September, 30th: Seattle, WA

If you're in one of these cities and you spot him in the wild take the chance, you might get yourself a pretty good game. Nintendo has set up a website that will give you clues to his next location.

So get out there and if you happen to see him, snap a pic and send it to us. We'll post it here and tell your story.

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