Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where in the World is the Nintendo Okie Community?

Howdy folks.  I saw some interesting data today when I was looking over some web traffic information for Nintendo Okie.  We're getting a good number of hits per day, which excites me.  It means we must be doing something right.  The interesting stat, though, was where our hits were coming from and I'll share those with you:

47.9% come from Europe
46.5% come from the United States
5.6% come from Other.

My question to you all is this.  Where in the world are you anyway?  We would like to cover as many games for as many people as possible.  I assumed starting out that most of our views would come from the United States, which in hindsight, was a bit naive. We do live on a big planet after all.  These stats show me that we need to make sure to provide coverage for games that are coming to Europe as well, since the release schedules are a bit different from each other. 

This will also help us in talking to developers to better let them know how we provide coverage for their games.  It's pretty self explanatory that the site is based in Oklahoma, but where are ya'll from?

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